суббота, января 10, 2009

Пара анекдотов

1.Прилетает израильтянин в Лондон. На паспортном контроле чиновник помогает ему заполнить въездную анкету.
- Your name?
- Moshe.
- Family name?
- Mizrakhi.
- Citizenship?
- Israeli.
- Occupation?
- No, NO!!! Not occupation!! Just visiting!!!

2. - Name?
- Abu Dalah Sarafi.
- Sex?
- Four times a week.
- No, no, no... male or female?
- Sometimes male, sometimes female... sometimes camel...
- Holy cow!
- Yes, cow, sheep, animals in general.
- But isn’t that hostile?
- Horse style, doggy style, any style!
- Oh dear!
- No, no! Deer run too fast.

3. Briton comes to Australia. In Sydney airport he is stopped by the immigration office who asks:
- Do you have any criminal records?
- Well...no...is it still necessary?

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